
I offer 3 types of editing service: Service 1, Services 1 + 2, and Service 3. I do not offer Service 2 alone.

  1. Scientific manuscripts - I will revise grammar, logic, science and statistics. If necessary, I will also help with formatting the manuscript.

  2. Response + cover letters - First, I will revise the grammar of cover and response letters. Also, I will check if your edits within the manuscript based on the reviewers' comments are appropriate. If necessary, I will make your responses more persuasive and logical. I can do this service for free if you introduce 1 new client who eventually decides to use Service 1.*

  3. Essays of any format - These include, but not limited to, essays for (under)graduate applications in the US/Canada, scholarship/fellowship applications, and cover letters for postdoctoral fellowships. I will check the grammar, logic, and writing style.

*If you decide to find 1 new client who will then use Service 1, please make sure that you do so before you receive comments from reviewers. Otherwise, I will not able to read/revise your response to the reviewers' comments and the comments themselves unless you make a separate payment for Service 2.